
Quade, Jay
Quade, Jay

My research is quite broad but key central themes are low-temperature geochemistry, radiometric dating, and paleoenvironmental reconstruction, focused largely (but not entirely) the Cenozoic. My students and I have been lucky enough to work all over the world on these topics, including the western USA, central Asia, Ethiopia, southern South America, and Turkey. On a few recent projects I also overlap with archeologists and anthropologists.  

My students and I do most of our analytical work in the Environmental Isotope Laboratory run by Dave Dettman, and the Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (for 14C dating) headed by Greg Hodgins. Take a look at my CV if you want the full picture of my research and that of my students. 

Courses taught 2012-2106

  • Geos 400/500: Geochemistry, co-taught with Matt Steele-MacGinnis
  • Geos 489/589: Quaternary Geochronology, co-taught with Tim Jull
  • Geos 466/566: Isotopic Methods in Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction, co-taught with Dave Dettman
  • Geos 414: Geologic Summer Field Camp in Arizona, Nevada, and California
  • Geos/Ptys/Astr 484/584: Coevolution of the Earth and the Biosphere

Recent CV

2015 field camp video

Datasets and Models I am asked for data sets pretty often, so here I make the most recent compilations available. (Coming soon)

Office: Gould-Simpson Bldg. 376
Office Phone: 520-626-1847
Cell: 520-818-8006
Email: quadej@email.arizona.edu