Dettman, David L
Research Scientist
Manager of the University of Arizona's Environmental Isotope Laboratory, a university-wide facility for stable isotope measurement.
Current Research:
- Saguaro spine isotope chemistry, physiology, and growth in a changing climate
- Landsnail shell chemistry and monsoon climate history
- Paleoindian and Archaic usage of coastal marine resources in the northern Gulf of California
- Bird migration and stable isotopes in feathers
- Stable isotopes in modern and ancient fresh water systems
- Fish migration and life history based on otolith chemistry
- Stable isotope studies in lagoonal and estuarine systems
- Minor element concentrations in ostracodes
- Stable isotope paleo-elevation studies
- Stable isotope techniques in ecology, paleoecology and conservation biology
Classes Taught:
- Stable Isotopes and Paleoenvironmental Interpretation. GEOS 466/566
Team-taught with Jay Quade – 3 credit graduate/undergraduate class.
Lecture and paper discussion format. Laboratory project included.
Fall semester, even years.
Educational Background:
- 1994 Ph.D. Department of Geological Sciences, University of Michigan; Advisor: K. C Lohmann; Dissertation Title: Stable Isotope Studies of Fresh-Water Bivalves (Unionidae) and Ostracodes (Podocopida): Implications for Late Cretaceous / Paleogene and Early Holocene Paleoclimatology and Paleohydrology of North America
- 1991 M.S. Department of Geological Sciences, University of Michigan
- 1989 M.A. Department of History, University of Michigan
- 1980 B.A. Medieval and Renaissance Studies, University of Michigan
Office: Gould-Simpson Bldg. 320
Phone: 520-621-4618
Fax: 520-621-2672