Chia-lin Pao Tao has co-authored History of Women’s Movement in Modern China(jindai zhongguo funu yundongshi), edited seven volumes of Studies in Chinese Women’s History (zhongguo funushi lunji), co-edited History of Women in Modern China: Bibliography of Chinese Language Materials, and co-edited Excursions in Chinese Culture. She has contributed to the Stanford volume of Women Writers of Traditional China.
Among her numerous articles and essays are “Anti footbinding Movement in Late Ch’ing China,” Research on Women in Modern Chinese History, No. 2, Taipei: Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica, “Ch’iu Chin’s Revolutionary Career,” Modern China: Reform, Protest, and Revolution, Studies in Chinese History, Vol. 25, No. 4, and “Chaste Widows and Institutions to Support Them in Late Ch’ing China,” Asia Major, Vol. 4, pt.1.
Chia-lin Pao Tao has been invited to lecture in China, Taiwan and Japan. She serves on the editorial board of Research on Women in Modern Chinese History and is on the Board of Directors of American Association for Chinese Studies.
In 1993 she was the President of The Historical Society for the Study of Twentieth century China in North America. In 2003 she received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Western Conference of the Association for Asian Studies.