East Asia Film Screenings

Film Screening CARD&BANNER

Explore East Asian Films with CEAS

UA Professor discussing a Japanese film.
Thanks to CEAS’ specially curated film library, the collections in the East Asian Studies department, and access to the University of Arizona library, CEAS has access to several unique films from East Asia. Combined with the knowledgeable guidance of CEAS faculty and staff, we can present a guided viewing of these extraordinary films.
Movies allow the viewer to glimpse the lifestyles and landscapes of places across the globe. At CEAS, we use films to show examples of cultural norms, historical settings, and aesthetics that may be unfamiliar to domestic audiences. Through film, students can deepen their understanding of East Asian cultures and languages and find increased interest in them.
Note: All CEAS film screenings must have an educational purpose and include lectures, discussions, assignments, or activities connected to the film.


Student Grade RangeClass sizeLesson DurationVenue
Varies depending on film ratingDepends on screening locationFilm length + 30 to 60 minutes for discussionIn-person

Booking Instructions

Contact CEAS with the following information, and we will search our libraries for an appropriate film that will suit your audience’s needs.

Email: eas-center@arizona.edu
Phone: 520-621-0777

  • School, organization, institution name
  • Preferred date
  • Preferred time
  • Contact person
  • Student grade
  • Class size
  • Duration
  • Topic or theme
  • Focus area in East Asia (e.g., China, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan)

Note: Films are subject to availability in our library.