CfS: Stephen Lee Field Undergraduate Prize

Southwest Conference on Asian Studies

June 8, 2023

Stephen Lee Field Undergraduate Prize

Southwest Conference on Asian Studies

Submission Deadline October 1, 2023

Southwest Conference on Asian Studies, a regional affiliate of the Association for Asian Studies (AAS), is proud to announce the inaugural Stephen Lee Field Undergraduate Paper Prize. SWCAS will award the prize for outstanding essay by an undergraduate student in November 2023, during its Annual Meeting to be held at University of Houston (November 2-4). 

The Stephen Lee Field Undergraduate Paper Prize is awarded to the best original paper by an undergraduate. Paper submissions should be between 10-25 pages double spaced and must be accompanied by a letter from the student’s professor or advisor confirming that the paper was written while the author was an undergraduate.

Students must participate in the Annual Meeting’s Undergraduate Poster Session in order to be eligible for the prize. Abstracts for the conference are due by July 1 at

How to Submit your Paper for a Prize:

E-mail the paper to Aryendra Chakravartty, VP of SWCAS at

Papers are only accepted as Microsoft Word documents or PDF files, should be about 10-25 pages in length, and should follow disciplinary formatting and citation style. PowerPoint, slides, and other formats are not accepted.

Paper Submission Deadline October 1, 2023