The Center for East Asian Studies (CEAS) at the University of Arizona just hosted its very first STARTALK Chinese Language Summer Residential Camp on the University campus. The federally funded project, entitled Environmental Sustainability: A STARTALK Chinese Immersion in the Sonoran Desert, was supported by the National Security Agency. Dr. Wenhao Diao, CEAS co-Director, was Project Director of this year’s STARTALK Camp. The project attracted 45 high school students from Arizona and several other states too to Tucson, Arizona. During the two-week language immersion camp, these students learned Chinese language through age-appropriate authentic Chinese stories, hands-on STEM activities, and leadership training. These students also participated in Chinese cultural activities and field trips related to the camp theme, including the Coronado National Forest, Biosphere 2, and the Sonoran Desert Museum, to further learn about desert, water, and sustainability. Within only two short weeks, many students already made notable linguistic gains as seen in their exit Chinese language tests. Dr. Diao has also shared that she has received the STARTALK grant again for 2025.