"Globalizing the Community College Curriculum: Add Food and Stir"
The Center for East Asian Studies (CEAS); the Center for Educational Resources in Culture, Language, and Literacy (CERCLL); the Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS); and the Center for Middle Eastern Studies (CMES) at the University of Arizona in Tucson, Arizona are glad to invite you to our 7th annual conference for Community College educators on January 20-22, 2023. This year’s theme is Globalizing the Community College Curriculum: Add Food and Stir.
Community Colleges are doing important work educating a large percentage of post-secondary students to become part of a globalized world. As such, it is vital to internationalize the curricula of community college classes; the topic of food, as a universal need and cultural touchstone, provides an accessible gateway to the world. The conference offers an opportunity to share with colleagues across community college departments and campuses how you use the topics of food and cuisine to internationalize your curriculum. Share what works well, what needs improvement, and how you intend to move forward with internationalizing your curriculum by including the topics of food and drink. We understand that January 22 is Lunar New Year, and the conference will include a dinner to celebrate it.
This conference will be meeting in person. Limited funding is available for out-of-town presenters’ housing, and three meals will be included for all participants. Please note that guaranteed meals are on a first-come-first-serve basis.
Registration Link: Register by clicking on this Google Form: https://tinyurl.com/commcoll23